Corporate policy of Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH


Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH is the only steelworks in Bavaria to recycle steel scrap and use it to produce high-quality steel (SBQ, Special Bar Quality), structural steel and reinforcing steel (re-bars). The company thus contributes to a sustainable conservation of resources. In addition to the construction sector, our customers primarily include the automotive industry and its suppliers. Together with the other steel companies in the Max Aicher Group, we set global standards when it comes to steel. We work according to the latest state of the art, invest in modern technologies and the training of our employees and collaborate with scientific institutions, universities and research institutes.

The Principles and Guidelines of the Max Aicher Foundation establish a code of conduct for the activities of the Group and are binding for all the companies that belong to the Foundation. We are aware of our responsibility towards stakeholders including customers, employees and the public. In this regard, the aspects of

  • quality,
  • environmental protection, energy efficiency and safety, and
  • health and social issues

form an integral part of our corporate policy and our actions. We ensure compliance with binding obligations (either legal requirements or specific standards of our sector such as DIN EN ISO 9001, IATF 16949, DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001) and with the requirements of all interested parties by means of a certified Integrated Management System that applies to employees from all areas and levels. We maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders.


Ensuring that our conti-cast steel blooms, our SBQ products and our reinforcing steel bars fully satisfy the requirements of our customers is our foremost task.

The manufacture of our products is characterised by continuous improvement and process control. By regularly auditing our certified management system, we ensure planning, control, monitoring and improvement of the organisational, commercial and technical processes.

Our efforts are aimed at the success of our work and we measure its achievement by the highest degree of customer satisfaction.

Environment, energy and safety

The regular inspection, evaluation and improvement of the management system means that both weaknesses and capabilities will be recognised thereby giving rise to short, medium and long term goals for the continuous improvement of LSW’s performance in relation to energy and the environment. We are committed to ensuring that all necessary information and resources are internally made available at LSW.

The criteria of environmental protection and energy efficiency are already taken into account during procurement as well as during the planning and implementation of projects.

The principles of safety management are firmly anchored in the concept for the prevention of incidents.

Compliance with binding obligations, the safety of facilities and the protection of people and environment, as well as requirements relating to energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption play a special role and are binding for all employees and for all contractors working on our premises.

Health and social issues

Our most valuable resource is a well-trained and motivated workforce with the right team spirit. Their commitment and skills are a key factor in our economic success.

To ensure this in the future, creating an attractive and safe working environment, investing in the ongoing training and qualification of our junior staff at our own Training Centre and binding our employees to the company are considered essential parts of our corporate strategy.

We are also eager to assume social responsibility and make a positive contribution to our region. To this end, we enter into partnerships to promote education and support social, charitable and sporting organisations and institutions, kindergartens and parents' initiatives through donations and sponsorship activities.